
You will be amazed at what you attract once you start believing in what you deserve.

Tarot de Marseille is a fantastic personal development tool that not only provides an overview of a possible future, both near and far, but also gives advice on the attitudes and behavior needed when faced with a certain situation. What you need to undertake, develop, maintain, transform... Tarot provides direction, a tendency and approach to follow, bringing out the strengths and weaknesses of the consultant, but also of the question or current problem. It helps to understand ourselves better, to find out how much energy is needed to invest in a situation and what to let go of. It indicates the direction to take, what we should do, but also (if possible) avoid, with the end result.

Tarot helps us understand relationships, whether they are romantic, based on friendship or professional. It can also give us an idea of the choices that need to be made; what could happen if we stay in a certain situation or leave it, if we stay in a relationship or end it, if we accept that job on the other end of the world or finally decide to stay.... A health draw can help you find out more about issues (if any) concerning your physical & mental health (your own or someone else's, as long as the intention is good), and provides advice on how you can deal with them. You can discover more about the personalities of people close to you, which in turn will help you understand and communicate with them better.

The “astrological draw” provides an incredible range of answers and advice on:

- where you are now
- your partner (if you are in a relationship)
- your children (if you have any)
- current work situation, finances
- physical and emotional health
- your hopes & dreams, the support you receive
- your current challenges
- family relationships and much more!

Each situation is then reflected in the future and the past.

Of course, Tarot also gives answers to simple questions and offers a glimpse into the future. The 4 classic themes are love, health, work and money.

Remember: whatever happens, you always remain in control and have free will. A reading reveals what CAN happen, but not necessarily what will happen, because only you can determine your own destiny!

What I don't do: I never predict a person's death since I do not hold such information. There are still many erroneous beliefs surrounding this aspect of Tarot. Of course, if you come to me with specific questions concerning a loved one who is sick, I can do a reading to look at the general trend and outcome, but only if you ask.

Tarot and spiritual hypnosis are complementary. While Tarot gives quick and more direct answers to specific questions, it does have its limits. Sometimes you need to dig deeper to find out how to let go, or why your relationship with a certain person is so difficult, why you are going round in circles, why are the same situations being repeated over and over again? For deeper and more profound existential questions => seek spiritual hypnosis!

Tarot session duration and fee: approximately 1h15 - CHF 90.- (TWINT or cash).

Sessions available only in person in Lausanne,

Certified Tarot reader - Tarot de Marseille

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