Past lives and between lives soul regression

You will be amazed at what you attract once you start believing in what you deserve.

Past Life Soul Regression

Accessing a past life is getting to know yourself better. Did you know that you have already lived dozens, even hundreds of lives? We are like onions, each incarnation adding on to the previous one creating subtle links between lives. Each life is unique, but connected in some way to the others, so inevitably there are interferences, energetic imprints, good and not so good, useful and not so useful, which influence our present life.

So what exactly is the impact of your past lives on your present life? Is it beneficial or does it weigh on a particular area? Past Life and Between Lives Soul Regression (PLSR-BLSR) will allow you to access memories from a past life (or several past lives or even from your current childhood) that will be useful and beneficial for your current life and evolve your consciousness. It will not be you or I who will decide which life to access, but your Higher Consciousness (Higher Self) and your Guides.

"Manage your reactions, but do not suppress your emotions" - Yung Pueblo

Accessing the Between Lives, the space from where we come (our Soul Home) before incarnating on earth, is rich in encounters and discoveries where anything can happen. Knowing, for example, what you can change in your life and what you must accept. Fate or free will? Life is a combination of both. While some situations are pre-programmed, our reactions are not, so we always have free will over our emotions. We are the ones who give meaning to our lives, to the challenges and the joys we encounter. Understanding through PLSR-BLSR what is part of our destiny (Soul Contract) and what comes from our choices or external circumstances, helps us to better accept certain situations or challenges in order to move forward in life with more serenity.

In the West we have lost the bond with the afterlife and believe only in what we see, what is scientifically proven, the "grey matter" of our brain. Yet science and spirituality go hand in hand. We are body and spirit. Let's stop putting the two in opposition, one does not exclude the other! It is time to recreate the link to our Soul, our Higher Consciousness and our Spiritual Guides. It is also time to feel and know that we are guided by something greater than ourselves.

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