Past lives and between lives soul regression

You will be amazed at what you attract once you start believing in what you deserve.

What is Past Life and Between Lives Soul Regression (PLSR-BLSR)?

This form of hypnosis was discovered and developed by psychologists and hypnotherapists (Dr Michael Newton, Dolores Cannon, Dr Brian Weiss, among others). While practicing so-called "classic" hypnosis on patients, it turned out that more and more clients were reporting information not coming from their current lives, but from past lives and the afterlife. Indeed, the spirit world is not only accessible by mediums or shamans. By simply raising our vibrational level by using relaxation techniques and by putting out intention, everyone can access it. This technique gives the power back to us so that anyone can access, by themselves, their own wisdom.

Why would I do a session?

There are many good reasons to do a session!

  • Access one or several past lives in order to gain a better understanding of yourself and learn to understand them in order to change your perspective in the present life and free yourself from certain influences/blockages/life patterns/themes and limiting beliefs; understand if you are carrying pain from one or more past lives and releasing it, access useful knowledge and resources from the past to use them in the present life;

  • Communicate with Beings of Light, Spirit Guides, departed loved ones (to facilitate the grieving process), Soul Family; obtain guidance; re-experience the spiritual realm;

  • Connect with your Higher Self/Higher Consciousness to support you in your personal journey;

  • Understand who you are, why you are here, where you come from, the reasons of your incarnation, life mission, challenges, family/karmic ties, relationships, Soul contracts/agreements with loved ones, spiritual nature, illnesses, etc.;

  • Understand the origin of deep misunderstood feelings belonging to you or coming from ancestral links (anger, sadness, jealousy, phobias, etc.) as well as unexplained physical symptoms/disease;

  • Receive care and treatment in energetic places, access places of regeneration, wisdom, the Akashic library;

  • Access childhood memories (present life);

  • (Re)connect with greater than yourself to open your Consciousness to the Universe, deepen your spiritual perspective, understand your spiritual nature;

  • Wanting to evolve and move forward in life in a different way, understand, liberate, transform, give new meaning to your life.

    When a person accesses important information by himself/herself, the impact is much more powerful as a direct channel compared to when someone else tells us the same thing!

    I'd like to try it, but I'm a little scared!

    I often hear the phrase "what if I killed someone in a past life? How horrible, I'd rather not know!". It is understandable because no one wants to face a murder and especially not one that you may have committed (!), but knowing that you will only access what is useful and beneficial for your well-being means that fear is no longer necessary because any difficult situation will be accessed for a reason. When properly assimilated and accompanied with compassion, you would be surprised how easy it is to experience a whole range of emotions in perfect simplicity. The most important aspect is letting go of negative emotions, to release but not to reject, knowing that your Higher Consciousness and your Guides will give you access to certain information and events for a very precise reason... In soul regression nothing happens by chance. So if you killed someone in a past life and this act influences your present life, it surely would be better to become aware of it in order to release the energetic imprint left in your present life, right?

    Another fear is related to loss of control. No, you are not going to "wake up" with a hand stuck on your head until I snap my fingers so you can take it off, this is not a show... (by the way, I don't snap my fingers to hypnotize you). You will remain conscious throughout the full session while maintaining your free will, you can even take a short break. I have no power over you, on the contrary, I will be your guide. We enter a hypnotic state every day, like when driving a car on a well known road (work-home). Spiritual hypnosis is in fact simply a very deep state of relaxation.

    Past life regression or between lives soul regression?

    In principle, during a first session we start with a past life soul regression which is easier than between lives because it is more familiar and accessible. This session will not only develop your intuitive abilities, but you will also experience less stress and be more confident during a second session which will facilitate the experience in the between lives.

    During a second session, we usually start with a short discovery of a past life and then, in principle, access the space we call the "between lives", which is our Soul Home, a more abstract place where landmarks do not exist (or very little), meaning the space we come from before our incarnation. But often sessions are unpredictable and it may be that instead of going to a past life your spirit will be taken directly to other places! Neither you nor I will decide where to go, but your Higher Consciousness and Guides. Let go and trust!

    Do I absolutely have to "see" during this experience?

    Well no, actually you don't have to "see"! Some people are very visual, but others see with other senses, such as feeling, hearing or even touch. It is also possible to only "feel" an experience and benefit fully from the session. It is up to you to discover which senses provide the most information. There is no right or wrong, better or worse, everyone is different. Above all, let's not forget that we feel with our heart and not with our mind.

    What is the most difficult part of a soul regression session?

    Without a doubt, the most difficult aspect is to let go of the mind and its conscious (constant) thoughts. Our mental mind serves us wonderfully in our daily lives, but not during a hypnosis session! Letting go is essential, but can be scary because human beings like to stay in control. Some people are better at it than others and just as anything else, you improve with practice. Before the session, I strongly recommend that you listen to some preparation mp3s (available only in French) to help you let go of your conscious mind. If you already practice hypnosis or meditation regularly that will be very helpful, the information will certainly come to you more easily, knowing that everyone can do it, each at his/her own pace.

    Do you have to be a believer or religious in order for this to work?

    As surprising as it may seem, the answer is rather no. You don't need to have any regular spiritual practice or be religious (soul regression is free from all religious dogma), but you do have to be in good mental and psychic health and have an open mind, believe in something bigger than yourself, no matter how you name or perceive it, otherwise you will be faced with a wall of rejection from your own consciousness.

    Is all of this "real"?

    In principle yes, your Higher Consciousness and your Guides will make sure that your experience is true. However, your conscious mind could interfere, even in a state of hypnosis, or your experience could be a metaphor or related to the collective unconscious. Regardless whether the past life you discover is 100% true or not, the therapeutic benefits and positive feelings which will remain within you after the session will count the most.

    For the most skeptical of you, I highly recommend the book "20 cases suggesting the phenomenon of reincarnation" by Ian Stevenson: "How can the phenomenon of reincarnation be considered by a rational mind? To what do we attribute the memories that thousands of people report that seem to belong to past lives? Reincarnation has captivated Ian Stevenson, a distinguished professor at the University of Virginia. Among the thousands of testimonies collected in India, Brazil, Lebanon or Alaska, the researcher has selected the most credible and most striking. 20 Cases Suggesting the Reincarnation Phenomenon gathers the stories of twenty children whose elements have been verified and validated by scrupulous research. Birthmarks, habits and phobias of children are then given a surprising light. A book that shakes our conception of consciousness and the human brain." (source FNAC-books)

    What is the Higher Self / Higher Consciousness?

    It is your "bigger self", your supraconsciousness, the wisest part of yourself. The Higher Self is connected with your Soul and other incarnations and knows your current and future potential. It guides us with a big picture that our "little self", our mental consciousness often too buried in the everyday life and often disconnected with the afterlife, tends to forget.

    How does a session work?

    Either in person in Lausanne or remotely. I will send you a form to fill out in order to get to know you and your motivations. At the beginning of each session we will do a final review together. If the goal is to do a BLSR session, then you can ask questions in advance including a list of people.

    A typical session will begin by altering your state of consciousness (relaxation of the body and mind - however you won't fall asleep and will even remain fully conscious throughout the session), followed by around 90 minutes of regression into a past life and/or between-lives and a period of integration and assimilation in order, among other things, to understand the lessons and/or learnings discovered, as well as the links between present and past life.

    During the whole session I will be your guide because it will be YOU telling me out loud what you see, feel and experience. In fact, you will share your experience with me during the whole session which will be recorded (audio only) so that you can listen to it again later. I end each session by drawing an oracle card.

    How many sessions are needed?

    The first session is often devoted to the discovery of a past life and the second to the between lives, so it would be a shame not to discover both. One session might seem enough, but the more you do, the more you will learn about yourself and the more you will be able to untie certain knots from the past, to better understand your incarnation, your life mission, to gain access to wisdom... And above all, if the first session is often surprising and sometimes a bit laborious, the second one is usually much smoother because your brain has already understood how hypnosis works. It is as if a valve had opened and everything becomes clearer, easier.

    How long does a session last and how much does it cost?

    A session usually lasts about two and a half hours and costs 180 CHF.

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